Red Raspberry Cough Marijuana Strain


SKU: 985492ec11c9. Category: Tags: , , , ,

This mild, sweet sativa-dominant hybrid is nothing if not a rarity. Patients would be hard-pressed to find it anywhere, though it might appear on legal markets in the American West. It’s similar in name to Strawberry Cough and other strains that cause fits of coughing, but that’s about all they have in common. No one seems to know the parentage of Red Raspberry Cough, but presumably Raspberry Cough, also a sativa-dominant hybrid, was one of the parents. Don’t look too hard for sources on this strain’s THC or CBD content or, for that matter, its sativa/indica makeup; you won’t find any. But we know the high is cerebral, with a mood boost, calming effects, and mental relief. It’s a good choice in treating chronic pain, everyday stress, and anxiety. The euphoria and happiness also suggest it could help with depression and mood disorders. The flavor and smell of Red Raspberry Cough are decidedly sweet, with expected notes of raspberry, while the appearance is light green with amber strands and a light haze of trichomes on the surface. Adverse effects probably include bloodshot eyes and dry mouth, as is the case with most marijuana.

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