Jacky Girl, also known as “Jackie Girl” or “Jacky G,” is an evenly balanced hybrid strain (50% indica/50% sativa) created through crossing the classic Jack Herer X Girl Scout Cookies strains. This celebrity child is a patient favorite for its super stimulating and arousing effects and delicious cookie flavor. The Jacky Girl high has a pretty immediate onset, hitting the mind first before spreading its reach throughout your entire body. It starts with a tingle behind the eyes and in the sides of the forehead, lifting your spirits and filling you with a sense of creative focus. This focus will soon ebb and flow, leaving you drifting in and out of happy haze and mental clarity. The tingle will soon work its way throughout your entire body, dropping you off into a state of pure relaxation that’s not too sedative or heavy. Combined with its high 16-20% average THC level, these effects make Jacky Girl a great choice for treating conditions such as mood swings, chronic stress or anxiety, depression and chronic pain. This bud has a delicious minty cookie flavor with hints of sour pine to it, too. The aroma is like PineSol mixed with minty cookies, all wrapped up with a hint of pungent earthiness. Jacky Girl buds have dense spade-shaped minty green nugs with lots of thin orange hairs and coating of tiny white crystal trichomes.